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Why not ask my Polish-speaking TA to interpret?

There is no denying that TAs and bilingual staff do a fantastic job, but there are situations when only a professional interpreter will do.

There is a cost attached, but the benefits of booking a qualified and registered interpreter greatly outweigh it.

Let’s talk about difficult, sensitive meetings. A professional interpreter – like myself - is trained to be impartial and independent.

I support you to communicate reliably, without anything – no matter how graphic, upsetting or unpleasant – being omitted or altered. Everything is rendered as faithfully as possible.

A bilingual TA may be uncomfortable during such a meeting. Sometimes they know the parent or carer or may even be friends with them. Having to interpret can be embarrassing or even distressing. Such a situation also constitutes a very serious risk of confidentiality breaches.

"I support you to communicate reliably, without anything – no matter how graphic, upsetting or unpleasant – being omitted or altered."

" It’s always best to book an external interpreter"

Challenging environment

The use of specialist vocabulary and jargon can pose a challenge to someone who lacks professional linguistic training.


Moreover, if a TA becomes privy to information about domestic violence or potential CSE, it could sour the working relationships and even lead to some animosity from the Polish parents.

That’s not all. From the cultural point of view, the Polish parent or carer may have expectations from the TA be ‘on their side’ and ‘help them’, rather than relay what is said in a detached, professional manner.

An untrained interpreter may speak only to the Polish parent and exclude you, only summarising what is being said.

But the focus should always be on your relationship and rapport with the Polish carer or parent.

To make sure that the parent or carer can be comfortable in knowing that they will receive confidential and professional, it’s always best to book an external interpreter.

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